Friday, October 21, 2011


kadang2 aku bukan siapa siapa pada kau kan ? yg hanya perlu di masa kau rasa kau memerlukan. yg kau cari di masa kau kesempitan. aku memang tak penting bagi kau. kadang2 kau layan aku macam ak nie jijik pada kau, padahal dengan orang lain berlainan plak. kau baru tengok 1 sisi kebaikan aku, n belum tengok lg 1 sisi kejahatan aku. im afraid u wont take it.

Monday, October 17, 2011

only words may speak

Friendship is love
friendship is a secret never to be told
friendship is a shoulder to cry on
friendship is not having to say sorry but do
friendship is not judging no matter what
friendship is someone to run too when things are tough
friendship is a hand to hold when things are so rough
friendship is someone to laugh with not at you
friendship is just knowing they are there

I don't expect to be the most important person in your life.That's too much to ask for.What would make me happy is one day when you hear my name , you will smile and say "Hey....thats my friend!"

Friendship is a gift that is fair in all things. It roots from one's heart and involves memories that stay not for a while but for a lifetime

Dear God,
I don't know about the challenges my Friends are facing,
But You know everything........
I hear their silence,
You hear their plead.............
...I see their laughter,
You see their tears.............
I see what they receive,
You see what they sacrifice.............
I see their happy faces,
You see their scarred souls.........
I know their faith,
You know their doubts............
I know about their dreams,
You know about their fears........
Today, I pray to You to give them everything they need & bless them for all times to come...

my mistake because let u feel this way. there are no 'unwanted' of u to me.

the best medicine to let go all the sadness.

It's amazing how someone can hurt you, but you still love them with all the little pieces.

im sorry for everything.

silent is a girls loudest cry. u know ur fren too hurt when ur fren try to ignore you.

A good apology has three parts:

1. I am sorry,
2. It is my fault,
3. What can I do to make it right...

But most people miss the third part - If you want to say sorry, mean it and do something to make it right.

* yes, i am sorry. it is my fault. what can i do to make it right, bff ?

the hardest thing ever

sorry won't take away the pain
sorry won't forget all happen
sorry won't erase the pain
sorry won't undo the heartache
sorry won't stop out the countless number of teardrops shed
sorry cant possibly change anything now
but sorry is symbol of u love someone

thankful for have given the chance to know u, being friend n share moments together

always will ! <3

always remain the same

i miss you bff.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

ujian dari Nya

1. melepaskan anjing tersepit, tapi diri di gigit balik. kebaikan kadang kadang di balas dengan kejahatan.

2. kemarahan orang tua yang membuatkan diri rasa terpinggir dan keseorangan di tempat sendiri

3. menyakiti orang yang sangat di sayangi di saat dia memerlukan seseorang. membabi buta membuat keputusan akibat tekanan.

4. kebuntuan menyelesaikan masalah

5. mencari di mana silap diri sehingga diri di timpa ujian bertimpa timpa

6. hanya hati yang mampu menangis dan merintih saat ini.

ak memohon keredhaan dari nya. kekuatan dan petunjuk dari Allah di saat aku lemah dan jatuh tersungkur. hanya pada mu aku bersujud.